June 17, 2021 by Sound Sleep Health
Telehealth is a hot topic. Although its recent rise is partially linked with the decline in in-person visits during the coronavirus pandemic, telehealth has in fact been heralded as the ‘next big thing’ in healthcare for more than a decade. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has announced its commitment to advancing the use…
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February 10, 2021 by Sound Sleep Health
Everyone has trouble sleeping at some point in their life. A late-afternoon latte, an overly indulgent dinner or nerves about an upcoming work milestone can keep you up into the wee hours of the night. The next day may not be one of your best –- you might be irritable, exhausted and unfocused — but…
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December 19, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
You may have heard of sleep apnea, but do you really know what it is? Far from a harmless sleep disorder that keeps you from a sound night’s rest, sleep apnea can lead to serious health complications, including sudden cardiac death. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea.…
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December 19, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
Every day you take great pains to ensure that you’re wearing clean socks and underwear for hygienic purposes. This ingrained standard of care is the type of thing you should be doing when it comes to your CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. Just think, you spend a fair number of hours every night with…
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December 19, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
When you are scheduled to undergo a sleep study, you may not realize that there is more than one kind of sleep study. Aside from the home sleep apnea test (HSAT)which you may have already experienced there are three main in-lab, overnight sleep tests you might encounter. Many people start with an overnight or nocturnal…
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December 4, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
Parasomnias are abnormal behaviors that occur while you sleep, such as sleepwalking, sleep talking, sleep eating, hallucinations, or recurrent nightmares. Parasomnias affect about 10% of Americans. Although you may not think of parasomnias as a health concern, they can cause potentially serious problems. In some cases, parasomnias can lead people to engage in destructive behaviors…
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November 15, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
If you feel like you’re not sleeping as well now as you did when you were younger, you’re not imagining it. Because of changes that your body undergoes over time, sleep problems tend to increase with age. Older people can have more trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, and sleeping until the time they want…
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October 29, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder in which you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. People who often have trouble getting the sleep they need experience symptoms such as fatigue, low energy, trouble concentrating, poor performance at school or work, and moodiness. Many people turn to the supplement melatonin to help them with their…
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September 12, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
It’s not fair, but it’s true: Women have more difficulty getting a good nights sleep than men. On average, women have more trouble falling asleep and staying asleep than men, and as a result, they’re more likely to experience daytime sleepiness, trouble with concentration, and even physical problems such as increased sickness and weight gain.…
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August 15, 2018 by Sound Sleep Health
You know how crummy you feel when you don’t get enough sleep. You’re exhausted, unfocused, and worn out. You struggle to concentrate on your work and you snap at your family and friends. You may eat too much junk, skip your workout, and overreact to stress. Fatigue wipes you out. But you may not realize…
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