Visit our sleep health booth at the Mill Creek Festival & Street Fair!
Pay us a visit at the Mill Creek Festival &Street Fair!
Come talk with our sleep specialists directly! We have helped thousands throughout the Pacific Northwest to improve their sleep.Poor quality sleep, regardless of the cause, can impact stamina, focus and mood, and may eventually take a toll on overall health. Let us help to guide you to potential solutions for getting the best sleep, night after night.
Location: The festival and street fair take place starting at Mill Creek Boulevard(behind Albertson’s) and heading up a portion of 161st (between Bank of America and Rite Aid). Driving directions can be found below.
To find the Sound Sleep Health booth, visit the Information Booth for a completed map which lists the locations of all the festival’s vendors.
Dates: Saturday July 9 and Sunday July 10
Times: 11:00am to 7:00pm Saturday; 11:00am to 5:00pm Sunday
Parking: Please do not park in the Albertson’s parking lot, as it keeps their customers from having a place to park. On Sunday there will be additional parking for festival visitors in the Mill Creek Post Office parking lot. Check out the shuttle service for best parking options.
Shuttle: Free shuttle service will be available from Jackson High School during festival hour
Directions from I-5:
- Southbound: Take I-5 south toward Seattle. Take the 164th St SW exit
(Exit 183). Turn left onto 164th from the exit. Follow 164th to the bottom of the hill to the Bothell-Everett Highway and you will have passed the festival entrance by just one block. - Northbound: Take I-5 north toward Everett. Take the 164th St SW exit (Exit 183). Turn right onto 164th from the exit. Follow 164th to the bottom of the hill to the Bothell-Everett Highway and you will have passed the festival entrance by just one block.