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Telehealth for sleep evaluations

Telehealth is a hot topic. Although its recent rise is partially linked with the decline in in-person visits during the coronavirus pandemic, telehealth has in fact been heralded as the ‘next big thing’ in healthcare for more than a decade. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has announced its commitment to advancing the use…

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Check out our new CPAP Support Group!

You’re invited! June’s CPAP Support Group Discussion:“CPAP Tips and Tricks”Date:Tuesday, June 7thTime:6:00 pm to 7:00pmLocation:Sound Sleep Health (Kirkland)13531 Juanita-Woodinville Way NE Our new free quarterly meetings are casual and open to those who suffer from sleep apnea or know someone who does. This is a great opportunity for you to meet with others who share…

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Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) and Teenagers

Now we know better. Research shows our kids are more likely to become night owls during their teens, and that this is a normal part of growing up. What’s unfortunate is that some of our teens develop delayed sleep phase syndrome or DSPS, which exaggerates this late rhythm shift. Add other influences like cell phone…

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Blue light therapy for sleep disorders: Insomnia, DSPS, and ASPS

New technology and research on circadian rhythm dysfunction has opened up opportunities to apply therapy using blue spectrum light to help reset the body clock. What is blue spectrum light and why does it matter to sleep? In this blog, we’ve previously discussed circadian rhythms and how they rely on light cues to help us…

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Insomnia vs Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome

Some people will go to bed at a certain time of night, say 10 or 11 pm, and find it takes them a really long time to fall asleep. However, once they fall asleep at 1 or 2 in the morning they sleep completely through the night and get a full 8 hours. Yet, they…

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What is Insomnia? (Types and Causes)

What’s more, untreated insomnia leads to serious problems with sleep deprivation, a health concern considered our largest public health threat in the US by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Diagnosing insomnia accurately is fundamental to finding the best treatments for it so people can move forward with their lives. What is Insomnia? Simply put,…

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Insomnia and food allergies = food-allergy insomnia

Food allergies may be a silent culprit for some. They can lead to all kinds of symptoms that can wreck a perfectly good day. Take unidentified or untreated food allergies to bed with you, and you can be sure that both your days and nights will suffer. What is food-allergy insomnia? According to theInternational Classification…

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Peristalsis and Sleep: How both work in tandem with circadian rhythms

Our brains and bodies are built, in fact, to “avoid the void” at night as we sleep. What is Peristalsis? The way we digest our food is primarily based on a pattern of rhythms known as peristalsis. First we introduce food into the digestive system by way of the mouth. We chew and swallow it…

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Acid Reflux and Sleep

Whatever you want to call it, if you’ve ever had it and tried to sleep, you know what an uncomfortable exercise in frustration that can be. GERD affects millions of people worldwide and most of them encounter it at bedtime or as they sleep. Its no surprise that people who suffer from acid reflux have…

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Food and Sleep: What and when we eat matters to the body clock

Since eating and sleeping are two seemingly separate processes, it might seem like a leap to assume that one can influence the other. However, the human body is an interconnected system. What we eat can influence our sleep, in ways both positive and negative. The digestive system during sleep It might surprise you to learn…

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Idiopathic hypersomnia: feeling tired all the time

To be sure, the fatigue is real: we’re working overtime, not sleeping enough, and hauling around a sizable amount of sleep debt as a result. But there’s a small fragment of the population who suffers from a sleep disorder that leaves them feeling tired the moment they wake up from 10 hours of good sleep.…

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