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Telehealth for sleep evaluations

Telehealth is a hot topic. Although its recent rise is partially linked with the decline in in-person visits during the coronavirus pandemic, telehealth has in fact been heralded as the ‘next big thing’ in healthcare for more than a decade. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) has announced its commitment to advancing the use…

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What is a Home Sleep Study/Test (HST)? (Reasons and Indications)

Have you been a lifelong loud snorer? Do you wake up tired, unrested, irritable? Are your days spent fighting sleepiness at work, at home, and even while driving? If so, you may be considered among those with a high probability of suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Also called sleep apnea or sometimes just apnea, this…

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sleep study patient

What is an Overnight Sleep Study (Polysomnogram)?

If your doctor suspects you have a sleep disorder like sleep apnea, sleep related movements, or narcolepsy, he or she may refer you to a sleep center for an overnight sleep study, or polysomnogram. The purpose of this sleep study is to monitor you while you sleep, to get a more complete picture of whats…

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Tips For How To Deal With 3 AM Insomnia

If you fall asleep fine but find yourself wide awake at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, you may have whats called sleep maintenance insomnia . Its troublesome and frustrating, but there are tips to help you deal with this annoying and stressful sleep disturbance. Insomnia types First, it’s important to recognize that you’re experiencing…

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Overnight Sleep Study: What are all These Wires for

If your physician recommends that you undergo an overnight sleep study, also known as nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG), you might be curious what it involves and what you can expect from it. You might also wonder what are the wires used in the sleep study are for. An NPSG records your heart rate, brain activity, oxygen…

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Cranial Problems and Sleep Breathing Disorders

Cranial problems can often lead to sleep breathing disorders. Craniofacial anomalies (CFA) are a distinct set of deformities found in facial bone and head growth. Anomaly means ‘different from normal’ or ‘irregularity’. These abnormalities are present at birth (congenital) and vary in intensity with some being mild while others are serious needing surgery. Most medical…

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Facial Structure, OSA, and CPAP: Problems and Solutions

Human evolution shows us that there are distinct variations in facial structure and features. Anthropologists have been examining these traits for some time to see if ancestry plays a role in this diversification. Other research has been conducted to see if your facial structure and features has any connections with certain problems. For instance, did…

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ADHD vs Sleep Apnea in Children: Signs, Symptoms and Risk Factors

Sleep apnea in children is often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed entirely. Many children are being diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) as they’re acting out and getting into trouble at school. Often, these children are being prescribed Ritalin, when the real cause of their behavioral issues is sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a…

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Should I Let My Dog (or Pet) Sleep With Me? (Pros and Cons)

The debate over whether dogs should sleep with you has good arguments on both sides of the fence or on both sides of the bed in this case. An interesting survey from WebMD discovered that dog owners are somewhat divided over whether their furry friend should sleep in their beds with them. Nearly 62 percent…

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The pros and cons of napping

Taking naps has been the subject of scrutiny recently. Some research points to napping as beneficial to employee productivity. Other research suggests that long naps may actually be linked to chronic disease. Here’s what we know about the benefits and risks of taking naps. When is a nap a good thing? There are lots of…

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Sleep better in 17 days with these best practices

New Year’s resolutions tend to favor quick change for permanent results, but by day 17… who is still sticking to their new plans? By day 17, most of us have abandoned ship. Improving your sleep habits might be an easy resolution to achieve in just one period of two and a half weeks, with results…

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